Tuesday 5 November 2013

Top 5 Shooting Tips & Tricks

Hey Guyz n Gals What's up  .. Today I Am Gonna Write Topic On Top 5 Shooting Tips & Tricks . Hope You Like It 

1.Pick your focus :
Almost all shooting apps provide you with the ability to touch the screen to set the focus point, allowing you to keep a particular area of the shot sharp.

2.Set image quality  :
If your app has this option available, set the resolution and picture quality settings as high as possible in order to get the best quality you can in your photos

3.Clean the lens :
Make time to clean the lens whenever you can, because even a small amount of dirt can cause dust spots to appear on your photos

4.Find good light :
Try to fi nd good lighting in which to take your shot, as you will fi nd that most smartphone and tablet-based cameras struggle in low-light scenarios

5.Avoid the zoom :
If possible, avoid zooming in on your scene using the digital zoom. Doing so will degrade the overall quality of the photo, so move in closer if you can 


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